ESR Says No Proof That New Test For Alcoholism Works
A scientist says there is no research to support a new technique advertised by an Auckland company which tests hair to reveal a person's history of alcohol use or abuse. The New Zealand Drug Detection Agency is offering the new technology which it says detects permanent chemical markers in a person's hair which are triggered by alcohol consumption. A scientist from Environmental Science and Research says theoretically a test could detect heavy drinking from hair that grew during that period.However, Dr Allan Stowell says the research is preliminary and a test like this certainly can't predict if someone is a binge drinker or alcoholic.
A scientist says there is no research to support a new technique advertised by an Auckland company which tests hair to reveal a person's history of alcohol use or abuse. The New Zealand Drug Detection Agency is offering the new technology which it says detects permanent chemical markers in a person's hair which are triggered by alcohol consumption. A scientist from Environmental Science and Research says theoretically a test could detect heavy drinking from hair that grew during that period.However, Dr Allan Stowell says the research is preliminary and a test like this certainly can't predict if someone is a binge drinker or alcoholic.