DUI Charges Send Man To Prison For 30 Years
Wendel Klotz, a 52-year-old Texas resident, was recently sentenced to a 70-year sentence for repeated drunk driving offenses. Furthermore, the sentence carries a 30-year non-parole term. Klotz has been caught driving under the influence eight times in the last 20 years. His last conviction was for the use of a deadly weapon, which was his truck with him drunk and driving. To date he has refused several offers of alcoholism treatment. County District Attorney John Bradley is relieved by the Judge's decision, "We keep getting encouraged and pushed to offer treatment before imprisonment, and Klotz is a perfect example of the county doing just that. But we had to abandon that philosophy before someone got hurt."
Wendel Klotz, a 52-year-old Texas resident, was recently sentenced to a 70-year sentence for repeated drunk driving offenses. Furthermore, the sentence carries a 30-year non-parole term. Klotz has been caught driving under the influence eight times in the last 20 years. His last conviction was for the use of a deadly weapon, which was his truck with him drunk and driving. To date he has refused several offers of alcoholism treatment. County District Attorney John Bradley is relieved by the Judge's decision, "We keep getting encouraged and pushed to offer treatment before imprisonment, and Klotz is a perfect example of the county doing just that. But we had to abandon that philosophy before someone got hurt."